Below you will see a choice of various massages that I offer for the head, face, full body or back, neck and shoulders
Swedish massage is one of the oldest western
massages. which combines deep tissue massage
with therapeutic massage using soothing
techniques and deep-tissue massage to ease
tension from your muscles and stresses from the
body. Swedish Massage is a vigorous yet deeply
relaxing treatment. Using a variety of hands-on
techniques such as gliding, kneading, plucking,
cupping hacking, beating, pounding and friction
it will leave you feeling lighter, taller and energised.
Full body or back, neck and shoulders.
This is a gentle, calming and relaxing massage. For pregnancy the client lays on one side for the first half of the treatment before turning on the other side for the second half of the treatment. Lots of pillows are provided for added comfort.
Full body or back, neck and shoulders.
Using gentle, massage techniques this calming
massage will leave you feeling revived,
rejuvenated, and relaxed.
Full body or back, neck and shoulders.
This is the same as a relaxing massage, but has the added benefit of using essential oils which are personally tailored to the individual client.
Full body or back, neck and shoulders.
This massage uses hot stones. The heat from
the stones penetrates to a deeper level and
may reach up to 7-8cms into the superficial
layer of muscle. This brings about physiological
changes as well as improving energy flow,
allowing for deeper relaxation and creating
harmony and balance.
Full body and face.
Indian head massage, also known as champissage, originates from a hair treatment incorporating massage used by Indian women to maintain the condition of their long dark hair and to protect it from the drying effects of the sun.
The upper back, shoulders, arms, hands, neck, scalp and face are worked on during the treatment using a variety of massage movements. Many positive effects are achieved on the whole body and mind through physically working on the neck, shoulders and scalp.
Scalp massage relieves tension from the scalp and increases blood supply to the area, improving the condition of the hair and increasing the rate of hair growth.
The use of bamboo is dated back to 5000 years ago in china. Bamboo is known for being flexible and strong. Bamboo was a symbol of peace, harmony, good luck and long life. It is said that the birth of bamboo massage came about when a therapist saw a monkey using a bamboo stick to rub another monkey's back and saw how relaxed the monkey was who was receiving the massage. The therapist started to use Bamboo sticks in her treatments after being inspired by what she had seen.
This face massage uses warmed bamboo sticks
of different lengths and widths and the rosewood
roller, to roll, knead and relax muscles with deep
tissue techniques. By using gravity assisted
leverage this allows the bamboo sticks and
rosewood roller to glide over the natural contours
of the face.
Massaging with bamboo stimulates the circulation, nerve function and is deeply relaxing. The heat, stimulation and kneading releases toxins in the facial tissue and helps to release any facial tension that produces lines in the face. Lymphatic drainage is assisted and as a result, the circulation is more efficient and the skin looks healthier and clearer. The warmth from the bamboo and rosewood roller has a deeply relaxing effect. Using bamboo allows for a more effective treatment in less time.
Relaxes and calms the body and mind, reduces stress and depression, promotes sleep and reduces sleep problems.
Reduces muscular aches, pains and tension in the body as well as relieving headaches and migraines.
Stimulates nerve function, improves circulation, increases metabolism, boosts energy and memory.
Increases flexibility and helps improve posture.
Stimulating lymphatic drainage and eliminates toxins from the body.
Improves blood flow increasing oxygen and nutrients to nourish the body’s cells and promote healing.
Improves skin texture.​​
True Swedish Massage
Hot Stone Massage
Indian Head Massage.
Warm Bamboo and Rosewood Face Massage
Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage